1. 123DSculpt (iso ve android)
2. Animoto
3. AnswerGarden (AppStore)
4. Apple School Manager
5. Aurasma
6. BeFunky
7. Blocs Wave (AppStore)
8. Blogger
9. Book Creator
10. Bubbl.us
11. Build With Chrome
12. Calendarium (AppStore)
13. CamStudio
15. Charts Bin
16. ClassDojo
17. Code.org
18. Corkulous (AppStore)
19. Creately
20. Desmos
21. Digit Whiz
22. Diigo
23. Duolingo
24. Easel.ly
25. Easy Studio (AppStore)
26. Stormboard
27. Edmodo
28. Educreations
29. Emoji
30. Edshelf
31. Evernote
32. Flashcards+ (AppStore)
33. Flipboard
34. FlipQuiz
35. Flubaroo
36. Autodesk Force Effect
37. Formative
38. GarageBand (AppStore)
39. GeoGebra
40. Geometry Pad (AppStore)
41. Geometry: Circumference and Arc Length
42. Gliffy
43. Goanimate
44. Google Classroom
45. Google Dokümanlar
46. Google Drive
47. Google Earth
48. Google Forms
49. Google Hangouts ile Ders Anlatma
50. Google SketchUp
51. Google Slides
52. Grandpa’s Workshop (AppStore)
53. Graphic Calc
54. Halftone 2 (Comic Book Creator) (AppStore)
55. Hohli
56. itunes course manager
57. iTunes
58. Kahoot
59. Keezy
60. Keynote
61. Kidblog
62. Moodle (Learning Management System)
63. LearningApps
64. Loopster
65. Many Eyes
66. Medly - Music Maker
67. Mind42
68. Mindmeister
69. Minecraft
70. Mine-Imator
71. MOOC
72. Nearpod
73. Okulistik
74. Padlet (sanal pano)
75. Paperport Notes
76. Pic Collage
77. PiktoChart
78. Pixabay
79. Pixton
80. Poll Everywhere
81. Popplet
82. PowToon
83. Prezi
84. Quizlet
85. Autodesk Recap
86. Remind.com
87. Santa's Engineer (App Store)
88. Scribble Press
89. SeeSaw
90. Showme
91. Sketchbook
92. SketchMee2
93. Skitch
94. Slatebox
95. Slide.ly
96. Socrative
97. SoundCloud
98. SpiderScribe
99. Storyjumper
100. Study Blue
101. Tellagami
102. Thinglink
103. TodaysMeet
104. Toonastic
105. Videolicious
106. Visme
107. Visual Beat - Interactive Music Video
108. Visual.ly
109. VoiceThread
110. Voscreen
111. Wevideo
112. Wise Mapping
113. Wordle
114. Wridea
115. Zondle
116. https://www.codecademy.com/
116. https://coderdojo.com/
117. https://www.freepik.com/
118. https://openclipart.org/
119. http://cliparts.co/
120. http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/
121. http://librestock.com/
122. http://otus.com/
123. http://www.1clipart.com/
124. http://www.apple.com/tr/pages/
125. http://www.clker.com/
126. http://www.designerspics.com/
127. https://corp.hapyak.com/
128. http://www.khanacademy.org.tr/
129. http://www.morpakampus.com
130. http://www.mycutegraphics.com/
131. http://www.scratchjr.org/
132. https://quizizz.com
133. https://unsplash.com/
134. https://www.quizalize.com/
135. https://www.sitebuilderreport.com/stock-up
136. https://www.iclicker.com/
137. https://infogram.com/
138. http://www.inspiration.com/
139. https://www.apple.com/tr/numbers/
140. https://www.lucidchart.com/
141. https://wordart.com/
142. https://www.goodreader.com/
143. http://www.eba.gov.tr/
144. https://www.littlebridge.com/
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